AFC Fence in February Youth Foil Y10 Y12 Y14

Y-10 Mixed Foil

Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Austin Fencers Club - Austin, TX, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 TAN Alan 2500 1803 697 2500 3467 967
2 MOORE Quinn 1034 1541 507 2052 2409 357
3 ANEN Magnus 2019 2650 631 2079 1949 130
3 HUANG Dylan 3313 2836 477 2921 2536 384
5 HEFFINGTON Otto 679 814 135 1088 1075 12
6 NGUYEN Oliver 3134 2323 811 3274 2859 415
7 DING Jessica 2500 2832 332 2832 2529 303
8 DING Jennifer 2500 2921 421 2921 2569 351
9 VELEZ Nicolas 2500 1090 1410 2500 2079 421
10 WENDT Elliott 3250 1982 1269 2079 1832 247
11 FORRESTER Marco 2500 1827 673 2500 2168 332
15 NGUYEN Naja 2079 1832 247 2500 2921 421
16 TEOH Kaylee 1514 1457 56 2500 2079 421
18 BALLINGER Rosalynn 2500 2079 421 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.