Little Pharaoh - RYC / RCC

Y-14 Men's Saber

Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 12:00 PM

Peoria Academy School - Peoria, IL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 WANG Max 1862 1897 35 2060 2122 62
2 KIM Kendrick 2162 2143 19 2466 2474 8
3 KIM David 1138 1228 89 1375 1642 267
3 IDIR Mohand-Ilyas 2500 3172 672 2500 2441 59
5 FOSTY Jasper 2500 2173 327 2500 2323 177
6 LIN Patrick 906 1155 249 1336 1569 234
7 MBERIA Alexander 1486 1527 41 1689 1756 67
8 NAFTALI Ori 1209 1218 9 1679 1678 0
9 BUCKLEY Owen 1367 1399 32 1753 1635 119
9 MARCISZ Maksym 796 901 105 1294 1238 55
11 ZHU Matthew 1364 1367 3 1682 1670 12
12 DENG Keith 2500 1451 1049 2500 1505 995
13 KANIA Alexander 1492 1456 36 2008 1970 38
14 ABADA lucca 1569 1495 74 2105 2082 23
15 GERSHUNE Benjamin 2500 1363 1137 2500 2079 421
16 RANGE Easton 1344 1141 204 1490 1558 68
17 MILLER Blake 1494 1219 275 1757 1346 411


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.