St. Paddy's Slay at NKFA

Unrated Mixed Épée

Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 9:00 AM

NKY Fencing Academy (NKFA) - Ludlow, KY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
2 KOENIGSKNECHT Julian 1098 1215 117 1532 2255 723
3 YORKE Evan 953 1076 123 2090 2082 8
3 PETTIT Ronin 1758 1706 52 1939 1975 36
5 WURTH Samuel 2500 2898 398 2500 1717 783
6 HUCULAK Eerik 1705 1657 48 1895 1913 18
7 DELL'AIRA Isabella 1934 1818 116 2921 3168 247
8 PETTIT John 923 829 94 967 927 41
9 OAKES Scarlett 1215 1229 14 2117 2000 118
10 STOREY III Leo M. 1478 1581 103 1139 1023 116
10 KONERMAN Heather 2500 2811 311 2500 2168 332
12 FAENOVA Alexandra 2500 1628 872 2500 1898 602
13 DUTTON Kitty 1230 1253 23 1146 1054 91
14 SPALDING Adam 2500 1211 1289 2500 1716 784


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.