ZFA D & Under epee, Y14-Y12-Y10 epee

Y-14 Mixed Épée

Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 3:00 PM

Zeljkovic Fencing Academy - Cherry Hill, NJ, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LEVESQUE Gabriel 1156 1232 76 1551 1845 293
2 NUSCHKE Conrad 1689 1852 163 2075 2037 38
3 JU Jennifer 990 995 5 2931 2782 149
3 FLORES Jesse Allen 2500 2536 36 2500 2050 450
5 HEMPHILL Kurt 1128 1322 194 2500 2425 75
6 WYANDT Otis 2500 2182 318 2500 2224 276
7 NUSCHKE Luka 1280 1286 6 1286 1447 161
8 DORSEY Noah 2921 1526 1395 2500 1541 959
9 CHERNOBRIVETS Maria 1292 1624 332 3212 2850 363
10 TRAVIS Declan 1053 1080 27 1529 1189 340
11 SHAINSKY Ron 2500 688 1812 2500 2079 421
12 DAVIS Blake 1602 924 678 2079 1832 247
13 SCHLISKEY Ellington 2500 1530 970 2500 2079 421
14 FRUMKIN Charlotte 559 498 60 1199 1152 47


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.