William Altier IV 3-W Open

Mixed Saber

Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 12:30 PM

IM Sports West - E. Lansing, MI, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 HILL Quillan 2002 2022 20 2090 2135 44
2 SCHAVE Nathan 1707 1646 61 1688 1896 209
3 GOHSMAN Maxwell 2500 1658 842 2500 2693 193
3 KAUFFMAN Alex 1500 1476 24 1706 1721 15
5 DELLOT Mason 1416 1640 224 2055 1744 312
6 GOEDDEKE Brendan 1218 1265 47 1465 1457 8
7 RICKERT Michael A. 1582 1629 46 1830 1774 56
8 QIN Ruitong 2249 1657 592 2158 1953 205
9 VANCE Beth S. 2247 2248 2 2240 2153 86
10 PHILLIPSON Jack 764 782 18 1244 1206 38
11 WILLIAMSON Morgan 1208 1212 3 1512 1477 35
12 MCLEAN Kane 1094 964 130 1435 1382 53
13 CUDEL Evelyne 671 601 70 1726 1618 107


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.