MFA Y8, Y10, Y12, Senior (unrated only) - All foil event

Unrated Mixed Foil

Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 4:30 PM

Marin Fencing Academy - San Rafael, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 MANIKTALA Suvir 1508 1525 17 1703 1742 39
2 TIKHONOVA Sofia 1621 1632 11 2652 2604 48
3 MOORE Jr Samuel D. 2084 2076 9 2078 2041 36
3 PARK Kevin 2500 2960 460 2500 3192 692
5 LEE Jayden 2500 1312 1188 2500 2283 217
6 BOYNTON Alex 760 791 30 724 803 79
7 RAFFERTY-FUENTES Patrick 1434 1472 38 1602 1565 37
8 FRESCHI Sawyer 1545 1467 78 1282 1422 140
9 HUMPHREY Owen 794 1573 779 1478 1153 325
10 GANESH Maxen 1019 1042 23 1309 1234 75
11 TONG Andrew 557 750 193 1018 727 291
12 CHOI Andrew 738 770 32 934 921 12
13 UHLBERG Max 2279 1721 558 1870 1705 164
14 LEE Tristan 2500 932 1568 2500 2079 421
15 HERMON Kabir 2500 947 1553 2500 1585 915
16 MABABANGLOOB Ian Lemuel 825 512 313 2921 2332 589
17 MINASHVILI Tekla 1782 1771 10 2500 2079 421
18 SWANSON Willa 2500 1542 958 2500 2079 421
19 SMITH Barbara 1696 1633 63 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.