Asheville Spring E&Under Tournament

E & Under Mixed Épée

Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Asheville Catholic School - Asheville, NC, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 PETE Landon 1355 1439 84 1711 1871 160
2 DEEL Hayes 1617 1426 191 1340 1541 201
3 KINDEL Amara 2150 2110 40 2210 2459 249
3 KINSELLA John 1323 1614 291 1569 1485 84
5 NG Eben S. 2500 1723 777 2500 1922 578
6 BARRETT John 818 875 57 1182 1037 146
7 SKINNER Duncan 2500 924 1576 2500 1629 871
8 BREZNY Peter 1141 1039 103 1303 1151 152


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.