NJFA Foil Cup

Div II Mixed Foil

Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 8:45 AM

New Jersey Fencing Alliance - maplewood, NJ, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LIM Charles 1635 1651 16 1812 1944 132
2 HU Alan 1816 1839 23 1755 1782 27
3 KREIDMAN Michael 2500 1612 888 2500 1820 680
3 KRECKE Gareth 1128 1232 105 1834 1926 91
5 GRODMAN Carlos 1669 1756 87 1711 1601 110
6 WOJCIECHOWSKI Liam 1056 1032 24 1103 975 129
7 ELIAS Stephen 2083 1941 142 1995 1897 97
8 KHAW-BRIOT Kai 413 367 47 1332 1273 59
9 ANRIG Sydney 724 1043 319 2079 1832 247
10 CLARK Lillian 2500 1343 1157 2500 2259 241
11 NICUDEMUS Bryella 1246 1260 14 2862 2771 91
12 MASTEROVOY Petr 2500 1817 683 2500 1719 781
13 CULLEN Alyssa 1227 1214 13 1461 1387 74
14 SONG Charlotte 2169 1966 203 2500 2079 421
15 BERG Samara 808 676 132 1832 1747 85
16 KHAW-BRIOT Julien 549 501 48 1268 1358 90
17 BOLLAPALLI Shresh 467 448 19 1411 1150 261


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.