April Fenceathon

Y-12 Mixed Saber

Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 9:30 AM

The Fencing Center of San Jose - San Jose, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SRIVATSAV Ishaan 1623 1616 7 1943 1987 44
2 THOMAS Liam 1075 1113 37 1770 1801 31
3 SRIVATSAV Anay 1321 1351 29 1717 1716 1
3 BELHE Hridhaan 1007 1048 41 1569 1545 24
5 LUO Gavin 768 802 34 973 1003 29
6 KIM Eric 1414 1373 41 1818 1813 4
7 WANG James 953 944 9 1581 1573 9
8 WANG Sinuo 2319 2246 73 4019 3748 271
9 CHEN Sean 1423 1319 104 3278 3119 159
10 IRVINE Cooper 734 760 25 1066 1007 58
11 DUFF Michael 949 917 32 1475 1457 18
12 ZHANG Hanzhi -75 -95 20 928 786 142
13 HWANG Zachary 461 383 78 1148 1095 53


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.