April Fenceathon

Y-12 Mixed Épée

Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM

The Fencing Center of San Jose - San Jose, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 GACIOCH Noah 1670 1688 19 2071 2102 31
2 LI Anna 1491 1482 9 1989 2010 21
3 LI Grayson 1029 1071 42 971 1115 145
3 WANG Kyle 1035 1070 35 963 1208 245
5 BALUCAN Caelus 1242 1251 10 1451 1408 43
6 ZHAO Ellie 2814 2723 91 1618 1608 10
7 TANG Michael 1543 1494 49 2085 2081 4
8 CHEN Julia Z. 1520 1528 9 3018 2632 386
9 VIJAY Vaishnavi 1454 1476 22 2013 2001 12
10 XIE HanZhang (Elon) 970 1005 35 2500 2120 380
11 DING Max 1474 1475 0 1928 1919 9
12 JU Shang 1059 1042 17 2938 2333 606
13 LI Allison 991 1010 19 2353 2212 141
14 ZHU Owen 1103 1093 10 1575 1552 24
15 WONG Aaron 1144 1126 18 1833 1815 17
16 KAYMAN June 1080 979 101 1253 1607 355
17 BI Ziyi 2500 887 1613 2500 1521 979
18 KROTZ Nicolas 681 748 67 2500 2135 365
19 ERISMAN Gabriella 596 652 57 2079 1929 150
20 JIVA Rehan 689 667 21 1582 1481 101
21 THVAR Vikram 2500 454 2046 2500 1532 968


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.