April Fenceathon

Y-10 Mixed Foil

Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 12:45 PM

The Fencing Center of San Jose - San Jose, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 NGUYEN Norris 815 842 27 1419 1459 40
2 LIN Avery 717 748 31 1200 1328 128
3 PAN Samantha 1000 1022 22 1279 1226 53
3 KIM Rylie 848 821 28 1571 1583 12
5 LI Lief 791 840 49 1334 1389 55
6 SHEN Gloria 1039 1061 22 2794 2769 25
7 LAM Dorris Yandor 363 461 98 622 553 69
8 CHUNG Charlotte 1121 1104 17 1989 1838 151
9 WANG Ian 197 294 97 2504 2239 265
10 SUN Lucas 765 796 31 1171 1223 52
11 LEUNG Joon 1263 1222 41 1668 1687 19
12 RAJ Yojith 1064 1029 35 1899 1789 110
13 WANG Andrew 624 594 30 2397 2081 316
14 SHAO Tysen 585 556 29 1416 1387 28
15 SHU Kayla 380 426 46 1337 1256 81
16 LIN Dylan 318 295 24 2098 1993 105
17 LUO Olivia 578 548 30 2327 2009 318
18 VIEN Bradley 370 305 66 1707 1557 149
19 ZHANG Bosen 630 620 10 1318 1292 26
20 KHANAL Sarah -123 -150 27 1603 1459 144
21 JUSON Julianne Lauren 2500 886 1614 2500 1987 513
22 DONG YIKUN 340 348 8 853 815 38
23 CHEUNG Carabelle 1108 706 403 1107 997 111
24 XIE Garrett 436 222 214 1571 1124 447
25 LAI Olivia 105 196 91 1064 925 138
26 XIA Emily 216 151 65 2500 1931 569


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.