SAS Saber #4: Y10, Y12, Y14, Junior, Open

Y-14 Mixed Saber

Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Salle Auriol Seattle - Seattle, WA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 XU Yixiao 1996 2014 18 2306 2323 18
2 NAIR Sujit 1515 1515 0 2010 2014 4
3 VALENTINE Rhys 933 991 58 867 994 127
3 WANG Tina 2587 2599 12 3054 3010 44
5 COPPA Neal 2500 1986 514 2500 1548 952
6 WINTON Elijah 695 883 188 1428 1457 30
7 HOLMES Xavier 1311 1307 4 1765 1774 9
8 BEELER Parker 1103 1140 38 1249 1539 290
9 HORN Silas 1065 1101 35 1905 1400 505
10 OH Joshua 2500 1109 1391 2500 1619 881
11 BRUCE Anthony 1038 1054 16 1045 1019 26
12 CHIU Philippa 1793 1812 19 2001 1919 82
13 BECK Mica 1242 1212 30 1824 1812 12
14 SHARMA Devin 1305 1240 65 1227 1219 8
15 KILE Emily 1414 1395 20 2500 2208 292
15 NELSON Henry 784 729 55 1387 1357 31


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.