2019 IFC Div 2 & Y12 Tournament--3 Weapons

Div II Mixed Saber

Sunday, March 24, 2019 at 2:00 PM

Central Community Center Rink - Mount Prospect, IL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 ZIRKLE James 2500 1991 509 2500 3348 848
2 DUDLEY LeByron 2515 2634 118 2463 2588 125
3 STOODLEY Theresa R. 2197 2247 49 3272 2944 328
3 WINEBURNER J.T. 2053 2138 85 2163 2329 166
5 GRINAGE Alex M. 1801 1955 153 1937 1875 63
6 GOLDBERG Gabriel A. 1899 1992 94 2921 2569 351
7 LAI Daniel 1813 1945 132 2500 1896 604
8 JAWOROWSKI Matthew 2447 2418 29 2249 2249 1
9 GRIFFITH Joseph 2606 2254 352 2168 1764 404
10 FURMAN Thomas G. 1896 1698 198 1913 1714 199
11 LEWICKI Louisa 1392 1610 218 2500 1931 569
12 BATRA Simran 1994 2009 15 2500 2079 421
13 DUNLOP Richard (Dick) M. 1383 1317 67 2500 2079 421
14 QUAN Ian 1435 1206 229 2496 2049 447
15 GRZESIAK Brianna 2500 1408 1092 2500 2267 233
16 DUDLEY Gayle 1186 1109 77 2921 2496 424
17 BALDWIN Robert (Bob) C. 759 662 97 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.