Central Texas Pirate Clash RJCC/RYC - Region 5

Y-8 Mixed Foil

Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 1:30 PM

Austin Sports Center - Cedar Park NEW DATE May 18/19 - Cedar Park, TX, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LI Alexander 767 797 30 1386 1426 40
2 MENG Andy 749 763 14 1326 1303 24
3 BROD Baylin 420 416 4 499 601 102
3 DING Jessica 348 329 19 2792 2516 276
5 PECK Henrik 319 211 108 2500 2048 452
6 CREMEL Louis 73 144 71 690 590 99
7 HO Avery 347 252 95 2079 1839 240
8 TELEB Amina 80 221 142 2921 2239 681
9 ALVAREZ Jordan 2500 17 2483 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.