June Fenceathon

Y-12 Mixed Saber

Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 9:30 AM

The Fencing Center of San Jose - San Jose, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 WANG James 930 932 2 1511 1584 73
2 CAO Chong 854 757 98 2223 2058 165
3 VENKATRAMAN Sushil 1128 1143 15 1360 1363 3
3 KIM Eric 1385 1396 12 1835 1816 19
5 TAN Daniel 831 851 20 1504 1494 10
6 LUO Gavin 770 769 1 933 916 17
7 IRVINE Cooper 732 693 39 1170 1142 28
8 ZHANG Hanzhi -63 -81 17 679 637 42
9 HSU Aubrie 2673 2473 200 2500 2049 451
10 MENDOZA YSABELLA LOUISE 2211 2203 8 2486 2346 140
11 CHEN Yihan 31 -4 34 715 702 14


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.