Emik Kaidanov Memorial Tournament

Mixed Saber

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 2:30 PM

Nova Fencing Club - Falls Church, VA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 JENSBY Jason 2001 2040 40 2204 2279 75
2 VALENCIA Jose 1859 1865 7 1956 2003 47
3 ARIAS Cesar A 2690 2596 94 3195 2962 233
3 RINALDI Savio 1611 1612 1 1734 1749 15
5 ANDRADE VARGAS Jose Ricardo 2245 2528 283 3267 2507 759
6 STRUCKER Rocco 1555 1601 47 1806 1823 17
7 COLBY Mercer 1869 1880 11 2375 2239 136
8 BENSON Jacob 1831 1834 2 1853 1835 17
9 HO Alex 1277 1350 73 1522 1399 123
10 VLASENKO Bohdan 1832 1833 1 1870 1807 63
11 BARROSO Isabela 1839 1831 7 2780 2643 137
12 ALDANA Jeffery 1018 1323 305 2500 1889 611
13 XU Michael 2344 2323 21 2325 2258 67
14 MARKOWITZ Jonathan 1715 1690 25 1862 1861 1
15 CULLOM Brooke 972 946 26 2647 2347 300
16 BAKER Keith L. 2118 2040 78 2380 2366 14
17 HALL Nathan 1189 1223 34 1631 1520 111
18 LEE Thomas 986 972 14 2500 1987 513


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.