
Mixed Épée

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Redmond, WA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
2 DONDISCH Ilan 2370 2378 8 2524 2550 26
3 LU Jacob 2201 2198 3 2519 2514 6
5 KIM Teo 1858 1870 12 2014 2007 7
6 ZHOU Justin 2434 2386 48 2662 2649 13
8 ABUELFUTUH Sama 2149 2155 6 2244 2727 483
9 MERRIMAN Rie 1576 1564 12 - - -
10 LI Timothy 1283 1309 26 3244 2684 560
11 SRINIVASAN Sanat Ram 1057 1080 23 - - -
12 CHEN Christopher 995 1058 63 1511 1540 28
13 XIONG Alice 1103 1131 28 2348 2273 75
14 MOHAN Riya 1685 1684 1 2104 2107 3
15 XUE Jake 1523 1497 26 - - -
16 LU Ian 1266 1273 8 1791 1809 17
17 OLSON Kevin 2012 1955 56 2103 2076 27
19 YOUN Kylie 840 835 5 - - -
20 YAKOUT Jasmine 1145 1120 25 1164 1148 17
21 ZHENG Dylan 432 506 74 2500 1875 625
22 ENG Kyle 553 517 36 2500 1823 677
24 LI Jacob 791 745 45 1496 1429 67


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.