SAS E & Under Foil and Epee

E & Under Mixed Épée

Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Salle Auriol Seattle - Seattle, VT, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 XUE Jake 1497 1563 66 1348 1669 321
2 WANG Aaron 1419 1434 15 1773 1798 24
3 SILKEY Jason 1480 1503 23 1377 1396 19
3 KANIA Robert 1492 1527 35 1968 1955 13
5 BIROAN Chaz 1845 1881 36 2088 2043 45
6 SPERANZA John 1650 1646 4 1497 1399 98
7 TUCKER Austin 2500 1209 1291 2500 1813 687
8 GILMORE Nicholas 1385 1354 31 1682 1695 13
9 CHRISTIAN Jonathan 1705 1877 171 2281 1597 684
10 KIM Seojin 2500 1584 916 2500 2079 421
11 DZIO Ethan 1886 1632 254 1409 1238 171
12 HUFF Ava 1432 1449 18 1346 1326 20
13 CHAPMAN Jack 2134 1582 551 1942 1545 397
14 AMIRAULT Amy 1566 1553 13 1414 1355 58
15 MAHER Quentin 1061 731 331 1498 1312 186
16 MEJIA Mandelyn 1548 1480 68 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.