Fete de Lune

Veteran Mixed Épée

Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Houston Sword Sports - Houston, TX, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 JNO-FINN Davis 3789 2435 1354 3754 3796 41
2 KASKAN Peter E. 2018 2041 24 2018 2094 75
3 PARISI Nolan W. 2052 2008 44 2045 2115 70
3 VILLAREAL Quentin 1960 2005 45 2214 2216 2
5 GASTON Ryan 2074 2150 76 2177 2142 35
6 POOLE James M. 2159 2184 24 2237 2235 1
7 EXNICIOS Richard M. 2135 2183 47 2832 2176 656
8 SADLER Daniel (Allen) A. 1228 1383 154 1076 1042 34
9 SKOPIK Jr August 2233 2208 25 2584 2533 52
10 VILLAREAL Heather 1138 1351 213 1302 1250 52
11 ROBINSON Jon M. 1582 1527 55 1891 1887 5
12 STARR Michael 1688 1674 14 1513 1501 12
13 GOODMAN Craig 1645 1376 269 1925 1594 331


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.