Bay Cup at HALB: XE1, XF1

Senior Mixed Foil

Sunday, September 22, 2019 at 10:00 AM

Halberstadt Fencers' Club - San Francisco, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 BERMENDER Cameron 3405 3410 5 3546 3601 55
2 MARTINEZ Donavyn E. 3431 3444 13 3558 3542 16
3 LIAO Madeline M. 3335 3337 2 3392 2986 406
3 SCHUR Skyler 2314 2359 45 2340 2459 119
5 UZGIRIS Kovas 2250 2289 39 2595 2561 34
6 CHIMENTO Jonathan H. 2500 3003 503 2500 2766 266
7 ESTELL Oscar M. 2472 2496 24 2618 2643 25
8 LIM Charles Q. 2177 2201 24 2315 2345 30
9 BLAIR Riley P. 2377 2322 55 2510 2249 261
10 DORMAN Patrick 1719 1850 131 1920 1821 99
11 TAM Lansing (Lance) P. 2363 2315 48 2500 2106 394
12 CRACRAFT John R. 1890 1885 5 2007 2054 47
13 LIN Richard 1731 1730 2 1379 1511 132
14 LEE Jesse 1750 1844 94 2794 2406 388
15 CRACRAFT William J. 2276 2196 80 2650 2772 122
16 PITCHER Katherine "Kacey" 1421 1762 342 2033 2269 235
17 WU Sarah 1303 1598 295 1652 1464 189
18 CORTRIGHT Joshua C. 2488 2472 16 2568 2554 13
19 MEDRANO Sue 1533 1513 20 1863 1769 94
20 CASTILLO Jonas 1963 1873 91 1994 1692 302
21 SANDER William A. 1610 1411 199 1996 1758 238
22 WALBERT Charlotte B. 2214 2079 135 2500 1931 569
23 XU Michelle 2500 1131 1369 2500 2079 421
24 LEE Samantha X. 2249 2252 2 2500 2079 421
25 WASSERMAN Isabel 2500 1811 689 2500 2079 421
26 PATTERSON Natalia 1234 1072 162 2500 2146 354
27 LEE David S. 1635 1558 77 1330 1302 28
28 LIZARRAGA Sebastian 1833 1755 78 1648 1602 46
29 POWERS Brenda B. 1298 1271 27 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.