SAS Saber #1 (Y10, Y12, Y14, Junior, Open)

Y-14 Mixed Saber

Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Salle Auriol Seattle - Seattle, WA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 XU Yixiao 2020 2026 6 2351 2385 33
2 WANG Yongen 1515 1525 9 1929 1928 1
3 PARK Emerson 1025 1055 30 1427 1438 11
3 MOULTON Andrew 2500 1740 760 2500 2209 291
5 VALENTINE Rhys 1063 1126 63 1227 1256 29
6 WANG Tina 1602 1609 7 2903 2874 29
7 SUNIDJA Indira 1588 1700 112 2314 2453 139
8 YANG Caroline 1465 1461 4 2430 2421 9
9 BECK Mica 1238 1264 26 1758 1768 9
10 DELIC Luka 843 995 152 2655 2328 327
11 CHIU Philippa 1007 1014 7 1909 1888 22
12 KREMER Gaius 1192 1120 72 1787 1838 51
13 HARFORD Benjamin 2500 1706 794 2850 2446 404
14 MITCHELL-LU Hiro 2500 2260 240 2500 2077 423
14 MILLER Lucia 1094 847 247 2500 2921 421
16 MOODY-FUENTES Nelson 1045 1018 27 1533 1497 36
17 JOHNSON Jack 791 812 21 1172 1126 46
18 HODZIC Hana 1629 1857 228 2500 2079 421
19 ALLEN Oliver 953 975 22 1324 1310 13
20 BRENNAN Annabelle 1327 1297 30 2045 1961 84
21 NAGALLA Trikay 777 596 181 1828 1615 212
22 LOSH Tyson 2500 1059 1441 2500 1682 818
23 WHELAN Quinn 954 920 35 2010 1947 63
24 WILCOX Kellen 787 694 93 1019 977 41


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.