2024 Bull City Y8 RYC/RJC Tournament

Y-14 Women's Saber

Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 12:30 PM

Leroy T. Walker Physical Education and Recreation Complex/ North Carolina Central University - Durham, NC, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 FAN Alexandria 1943 1950 7 2304 2320 16
2 DHAR Rana 1710 1710 0 2015 2036 21
3 MING Emma 1348 1363 14 1580 1616 36
3 JOHNSON Neema 1376 1481 105 1723 1836 113
5 HU Heidi 1482 1476 6 2092 2077 15
6 VUDTHITHAMRONG Vivienne 1280 1290 10 1879 1861 18
7 FLEEGER Sophia 1502 1495 7 1487 1493 6
8 WILFRET Katerina 1005 1024 19 1268 1321 53
9 YANG Felicia 1183 1221 39 1854 1817 37
10 JOHNSON Marlee 475 635 160 1144 1048 96
11 LOZIER Camryn 749 762 13 977 963 13
12 FANG Elena 892 923 31 1055 1044 11
13 BHASKARA Srita Pratika 655 676 22 1196 1288 92
14 FANG Darcy 590 587 3 1368 1426 59
15 MAJEWSKA Maria 1106 1085 21 1915 1876 38
16 TOPALOV Julia 978 940 38 1407 1458 51
17 GUO Yuexi 2500 1076 1424 2500 1455 1045
18 FASSNACHT Jacqueline 691 638 53 1131 1104 27
19 SWEITZER Zoe 2500 671 1829 2500 1447 1053
20 REYNOLDS CHANG Anna 716 520 196 1740 1285 454
21 LEFEVER Ava 529 244 285 1640 1187 453


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.