Mid-South Priority on Youth #5 & Unrated Saber

Unrated Mixed Saber

Friday, May 3, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Mid-South Fencers' Club - Durham, NC, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 ETIN Gennady 2500 3401 901 2500 3307 807
2 TODD Phoebe 2500 2135 365 2383 2682 299
3 COX Luis E. 2133 2934 801 2500 2425 75
3 MICHAELS Philippa 1768 2493 725 2138 2079 59
5 MILLS Lundyn 1670 1938 268 2034 1905 129
6 LITTLE Shannon 2689 2375 314 2079 1832 247
8 TERRELL Emily 2500 2246 254 2500 1924 576
9 ANTHONY Silas 1182 2180 999 2500 2079 421
10 STIRRUP Almira 2500 1465 1035 - - -
11 DIAL Lindsay 2206 1421 785 2079 1738 342


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.