The Great Pumpkin

Unrated Mixed Épée

Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Candlewood Fencing Newtown - Newtown, CT, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 REELS Eric 1823 1775 49 1947 2145 197
2 STOREY Liam 1602 1626 24 1906 2053 147
3 SPAGONE Avery 2500 3010 510 2500 1767 733
3 MCLEAN Devon 1575 1885 311 2079 2232 152
5 LAW Oliver 777 854 77 870 857 13
6 ZHANG Sophia 1315 1361 46 2653 2436 217
7 CONCEPCION RODRIGUEZ Jossiel 1320 1129 192 2500 2039 461
8 RICHARD Jacob 2500 1448 1052 2500 1942 558
9 OSISEK Eric 1272 1484 213 1441 1365 76
10 ZHANG Selina 1047 1080 33 1832 1585 247
11 CHEN Mao Long 718 824 106 2921 2347 573
12 FILC-HELMUTH Nathan 2500 1173 1327 2500 1725 775
13 GRANT Aidan 619 593 26 1109 1077 33
14 MOBUS Jackie 2500 1397 1103 2500 2079 421
15 TARTAGLIA Christian 2500 560 1940 2500 1931 569
16 BELANGER Milana 2500 1243 1257 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.