Tri State Veteran Sabre Cup at Fencers Club

Veteran Mixed Saber

Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Fencers Club Inc. - New York, NY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LIU Jerry 2140 2141 1 2215 2427 212
2 MONTORIO Louis 3152 3180 28 3327 3304 23
3 MATT Chris 3207 3221 13 3520 3483 37
3 CHU Kevin 2668 2662 6 3133 3166 33
5 BACON Michael 2760 2762 3 3194 3156 38
6 SAMOTESSOV Vladislav 2141 2165 24 2291 2309 17
7 BINSHTOK Max 1672 1831 159 1907 2010 103
8 TSUNG David 2771 2628 143 3407 3341 66
9 ABDULMANOV Ayrat 2500 2741 241 2500 2275 225
10 TERENTIEV Max 2114 2154 39 2472 2450 23
11 FIROOZI Farzeen 1858 2011 154 1465 1579 114
12 KULIK Yaroslav 1521 1642 121 2270 2267 3
13 KASTOR Jacaeber 2838 2815 23 3121 3098 22
14 VAROQUA Aslon 2154 2151 3 2312 2540 228
15 DASHNAW Stephen 2730 2652 79 3263 3255 8
16 COHEN Richard 1827 1817 9 2089 2077 12
17 OBLONSKY Natalia 2147 2185 38 2071 1884 188
18 WAXLER Aaron 2339 2323 16 2737 2717 20
19 YUNG Wang 2473 2462 10 2681 2645 36
20 DI GENNARO John 1913 1910 3 1595 1594 1
21 DEMING Clare 2584 2599 15 2114 2073 42
22 ARAFAT Tarek 1563 1558 4 1424 1418 6
23 CHO Yutong 1940 1902 37 2260 2205 55
24 MICCHELLI Thomas 530 518 13 1033 978 55
25 GOLETZ Eric 2500 1205 1295 2500 1574 926


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.