Shoreline Fencer's E&Under Tournament

E & Under Mixed Foil

Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 11:00 AM

Shoreline Fencers Club - Branford, CT, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LAVINE Samantha 817 866 48 1320 1477 157
2 HOWARD Fox 1326 1340 14 1210 1348 137
3 KERSHA Alexander 999 984 15 2488 2136 353
3 LI Benjamin 1005 1084 78 1660 1611 49
5 FOURNIER Madison 2500 2679 179 2763 2325 438
6 NELSON Christopher S. 1851 1198 653 2500 1615 885
7 AHOUSE Sophia 274 333 59 1409 1656 247
8 NEMETH Lily 740 620 120 2079 1797 282
9 BLOUNT violet 1108 1193 85 2496 2126 370
10 MCCORMICK Ella 2500 553 1947 2500 1548 952


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.