Savage Fencing Club Vets for Vets

Veteran Mixed Foil

Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Savage Fencing Club - Savage, MD, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 WOOD Alexander W. 2500 3332 832 2500 3458 958
2 GROSS Stephen R. 2467 2479 12 2851 2855 4
3 BEREKNYEI Thomas 2500 2943 443 2500 2764 264
5 WOOD Ben 1715 1812 97 1949 2034 85
6 FADL Omar 2344 2344 0 2609 2611 2
7 DORFMAN Mitchell (Mitch) J. 2198 2196 2 2435 2424 11
8 GUERRERO Gonzalo 1777 1809 31 1622 1603 19
9 THURMAN Allison L. 2085 2092 7 2210 2031 179
10 MERRITT Elizabeth (Badger) E. 3206 2980 226 2921 2662 259
11 MILLIGAN Bruce C. 2306 2298 8 2425 2410 15
12 WANG Jim 2500 2406 94 2500 1741 759
13 MAHNKEN Thomas G. 1683 1679 4 2891 2940 49
14 MYERS Kenneth 938 904 34 1367 1568 201
15 RUSANOV Oleg 1845 1813 32 1983 1990 6
16 SELTZER Eve 1810 1813 2 1649 1581 69
17 CHANDLEE Thomas 1142 1210 68 2079 1449 631
18 CHECKEYE Daniel J. 1722 1750 28 1887 1743 144
19 CONDIFF Allessandro D. 1239 1289 49 1358 1263 95
20 REICHMAN Marsha E. 1665 1656 9 1854 1737 117
21 ARANGO PINEDO Catalina 1076 1137 61 1758 1616 142
22 SMITH Steven 2500 1306 1194 2500 1946 554
23 SCHOEPFLE Carla 2500 1274 1226 1931 1699 231
24 CHANDLEE Richard (rick) 2500 1012 1488 2500 2079 421
25 NESTERUK Hope 662 655 7 1790 1740 50
26 BERGEN Kevin 607 597 10 1686 1466 220


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.