Dec. 7, 2024 @Vivo/Marx Youth FOIL NE Developmental Series @ Vivo

Unrated Y-12 Mixed Foil

Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 12:30 PM

Vivo Fencing Club - Haverhill, MA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SUN Andrew 504 2859 2356 523 968 445
2 LECH Landon 2270 1057 1212 1307 1279 27
3 WONG Maxwell 2500 3243 743 2500 936 1564
4 MCCLELLAN Florence 829 1033 204 1330 2000 670
5 CONNELLY Malcolm 1985 692 1293 2051 1100 950
6 BLAIS julian 699 1933 1233 2758 2281 477
7 HO James 2500 1378 1122 2500 2079 421
8 PELLERIN Liam 731 650 81 1788 1176 613
9 MA Cloris 1897 1579 319 1607 1393 214
10 FALEYEV Nicole 2500 1202 1298 2500 1799 701
11 SCHNEIDER Aiden 428 1302 875 3004 2075 928
12 RUPERTI Aria 2500 1396 1104 2500 2128 372
13 NOTHNAGEL Charles 2500 1924 576 2500 1001 1499
14 RONG Alice RH 2500 1852 648 - - -


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.