The Southern RYC/RJCC/ROC (VET/D1A/DV2/) & TEAM

Junior Men's Foil

Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 8:00 AM

John T Rhodes Sport Center - Myrtle Beach, SC, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 EMENHEISER Conrad 2425 2433 8 2601 2614 13
2 PRUT Anton 1846 1866 20 2087 2106 19
3 YU William 1939 1933 6 2056 2063 7
3 PHILLIPS Oliver 1204 1199 5 1781 1802 21
5 CHOW Kingsley 943 1011 68 1395 1427 32
6 PRICE Owen 2043 2017 26 2081 2069 12
7 XU Dinghui Ryan 1838 1814 24 1913 1909 5
8 HARWOOD Gray 1517 1514 3 1843 1849 6
9 STANSBURY Desmond 1145 1188 43 1391 1377 15
10 TSENG Lucas 1186 1194 8 1518 1505 13
11 REBNER Parker 1025 1043 18 1482 1455 27
12 BOCKSNICK John Robert 1391 1377 14 1503 1486 17
13 HAUSCHILD Carson 1599 1525 73 1925 1802 123
14 BOWLES Kevin 1296 1285 11 1752 1740 12
15 JOHNSON Dylan 806 818 11 1133 1116 17
16 SHAW Spencer 1497 1455 42 1663 1661 2


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.