DCFC Youth Saber Challenge

Y-12 Mixed Saber

Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM

DC Fencers Club - Silver Spring, MD, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 MAJEWSKA Maria 2681 2925 244 3048 3692 644
2 MIKHAILOV Andrei 1449 1511 62 3279 3229 50
3 TAI Milton 1453 1436 17 1898 1912 14
3 JAVIER Xavier 1422 1430 9 3428 3406 22
5 BERTIN Kiran 3006 1277 1729 2921 1387 1533
6 HU Emily 2633 2660 26 2596 2689 92
7 PIÑOL Annika 2454 800 1654 2079 2367 288
8 KASSAYE Abi 2884 2768 116 1542 2470 928
9 URQUILLA Devin 825 875 50 1755 1667 88
10 BERGAN Chase 2921 1004 1916 2500 1931 569
11 JOHNSON Leyton 896 2344 1448 2134 2016 118
12 MARLOW Lucian 760 826 66 1028 1169 141
13 FLORY Gaia 2500 2343 157 2500 2569 69
14 LEE Augustine 2168 913 1256 1619 1740 121
15 BENNETT Eloise 2745 902 1842 2844 2834 10
16 BRAUN Victoria 1890 1819 71 1645 1949 303
17 GEDDES Samuel 556 1594 1038 2079 1588 492
18 POHLMAN Jesse 966 878 88 2220 1999 221
19 QU Shaofan 634 2156 1522 1173 1073 100
20 BOURAR Ayman 1040 922 118 2500 2079 421
21 TAYLOR Wyatt 2628 811 1817 2500 1313 1187


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.