The Southern RYC/RJCC/ROC (VET/D1A/DV2/) & TEAM

Veteran Men's Épée

Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM

John T Rhodes Sport Center - Myrtle Beach, SC, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 OLIVERIUS Joseph W. 2645 2656 12 2863 2904 41
2 SNIDER Jeffrey H. 2468 2443 25 3127 3115 12
3 MORET Eric N. 1877 1930 53 1814 1897 83
3 AMOROSO John 2694 2673 21 3076 3060 16
5 EDGECOMB Michael J. 2110 2147 37 2041 2043 2
6 KMIEC Stephen M. 2402 2404 3 2528 2519 8
7 SMITH Herman E. 2018 2018 0 2095 2104 9
8 DAVIS Kelly 1570 1571 1 1435 1493 57
9 EVANS Allen L. 2003 2024 21 2266 2234 32
10 KARNAVAS William 1959 1967 8 1644 1615 29
11 GUERRERO Guillermo 1811 1802 10 1960 1951 9
12 SIMS Martin L. 1441 1439 1 1465 1464 1
13 TAURMAN Jr. Patrick J. 1168 1264 96 1682 1601 81
14 KINNEY Michael 1476 1469 7 1059 1151 92
15 SLOTER Lewis E. 1855 1824 30 2053 2064 11
16 THIELEN Tom 897 780 117 1391 1435 44
17 VENZON Roy 1552 1540 12 1194 1141 53
18 KONG Qingjun 1248 1228 20 1881 1667 214
19 STOCKTON J. DeVeaux 1066 976 90 1326 1078 248


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.