UMFC Dillion Dollar Duels

Div III Mixed Foil

Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 12:30 PM

UMN RecWell MAC Gym - Minneapolis, MN, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 KWANT Henry 1245 1347 101 1553 1866 313
2 LI Grace 1939 1955 16 2036 2066 30
3 SHUSTA Lily 1541 1544 3 1719 1714 4
3 MENASCO Juliun 1301 1328 27 1508 1533 25
5 LEGGETT Emilia 699 708 9 965 1057 92
6 BUENAFLOR Jeffrey 1816 1756 60 1805 1800 4
7 FOSTERVOLD Castiel 1147 1177 30 1243 1263 19
8 FEEHAN Conor 822 861 39 1279 1297 18
9 POLYZOIS Alkis 334 421 86 956 920 36
10 HARRISKING Josh 1160 1131 29 2500 1356 1144
11 SCHROEDER Karl A. 1741 1517 224 1857 1753 105
12 ATHOW Stephanie J. 1661 1546 115 1805 1673 132
13 GUSTAFSON Dillon 1846 1833 12 1465 1210 255
14 OBERLY Nicholas 914 775 139 1702 1319 383
15 HICKNER Gabe 685 689 4 1308 1258 50
16 MOHAMED Sara 338 314 24 1027 988 39
17 CHAN Vincent 2500 932 1568 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.