2024 MASTERS FC End Of The Year Tournament

Senior Mixed Foil

Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 10:00 AM

University of Miami: Herbert Wellness Center - Miami, FL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LORENZO Alejandro 2261 2268 7 2482 2506 23
2 SUAREZ Adrian 2307 2326 19 2484 2481 3
3 ARIZA Abraham J. 2228 2244 16 2241 2254 13
3 ALONSO Vinicius 2233 2251 19 2268 2287 20
5 KNOEPFFLER Alex 2553 2538 14 2734 2714 20
5 RODRIGUEZ Lazaro S. 1821 1822 1 2014 2012 3
7 ALVAREZ ADRIAN ALEJANDRO 1914 1909 5 1907 1915 8
8 BORGES Valeryn 2080 2083 3 3241 3186 55
9 SUAREZ David 1893 1890 3 4114 3927 187
10 ZUNIGA Carlos Andres Flores 2500 2324 176 2500 1689 811
11 TANG xianchi 1827 1828 0 1856 1859 3
12 BABER Ijlal 1519 1506 12 1626 1608 18
13 PINKERTON Joseph H. 2168 2117 50 2278 2256 22
14 ARIANAS Elias 1020 1092 72 1558 1631 73
15 BABER Eshaal 1618 1634 16 2283 2278 6
16 SHTEPA Rada 2005 1990 15 2108 2113 4
17 QUINTERO Camila 1170 1172 2 1293 1283 10
18 KIMURA Ryo 1256 1254 2 2011 1847 164
19 FERRONE Nate 1183 1170 13 1753 1692 61
20 FERRONE Gianna 1343 1337 5 2248 2189 60
21 CHEN Mikayla 275 267 8 1431 1409 21
22 CHEN Tylar 391 371 21 1198 1116 82


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.