Fencers Club Veteran Cup - (Epee, Foil, Sabre)

Veteran Mixed Foil

Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Fencers Club Inc. - New York, NY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 JOO Michael 1655 1677 22 2110 2314 204
2 WOOD Ben 1812 1836 24 2034 2036 2
3 VASTOLA Gene 2500 2845 345 2500 2042 458
3 SCHNEIDERMAN todd 1239 1476 237 1313 1427 114
5 BERGEN Kevin 597 821 224 1930 1949 19
6 LEE Hans 1329 1325 3 1267 1304 37
7 SCHIAVONE Oreste 1013 1055 42 1386 1374 12
8 PRIVITERA Dino 1314 1136 178 1210 1296 86
9 CONDIFF Allessandro 1265 1219 46 1442 1354 88
10 ARANGO PINEDO Catalina 2103 2062 41 1616 1508 109
11 BOTWINICK Nelson 2500 1123 1377 2500 1373 1127
12 MENAKER Joseph 2500 942 1558 2500 1783 717
13 JENKINS Michael 772 751 21 666 663 3


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.