Escrimeur Youth and Senior Sabre Cup 2024-2025 (7)

Div II Men's Saber

Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 9:00 AM

Escrimeur Fencers Club - East Brunswick, NJ, USA

Probability density of pool victories


Explore the probability of achieving at least a certain number of victories in the pool for each fencer, with their actual victories highlighted in a box. Learn more.

# Name Number of victories
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 DOMINIQUE Remson 100% 100% 100% 99% 89% 53%
2 BELAND Riley James "RJ" 100% 99% 87% 51% 15% 2%
3 COPP Max 100% 94% 68% 31% 7% -
3 BANSAL Krishiv 100% 97% 68% 28% 6% -
5 LIN Brendan 100% 100% 93% 65% 25% 4%
6 JAIN Karanvir 100% 99% 90% 52% 15% 2%
7 ORTHMANN Tristin 100% 100% 99% 89% 54% 14%
8 KIM Andrew 100% 100% 98% 83% 46% 11%
9 WONG Mac 100% 97% 81% 47% 14% 1%
10 DE SIENA Salvatore 100% 100% 100% 94% 67% 24%
11 IVANOV Daniel 100% 100% 100% 95% 74% 31%
12 EKONG-REID Severian 100% 99% 91% 65% 27% 4%
13 BALE Atman 100% 100% 99% 86% 49% 12%
14 MARCELLINO Robert 100% 31% 4% - - -
15 JARAMILLO Juan 100% 92% 65% 28% 6% -
16 MARTINEZ Luke 100% 21% 2% - - -
17 STEWART Samuel 100% 82% 44% 13% 2% -
18 GOLETZ Eric 100% 89% 29% 4% - -


The heatmap in this table provides a visual representation of the victory probability distribution for each fencer in their respective pools:

This heatmap visualization offers an immediate understanding of each fencer's expected performance compared to their actual results.