Rain City Regional Youth Circuit (RYC)

Y-12 Men's Saber

Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 2:00 PM

Bellevue, WA - Bellevue, WA, USA

Probability density of pool victories


Explore the probability of achieving at least a certain number of victories in the pool for each fencer, with their actual victories highlighted in a box. Learn more.

# Name Number of victories
0 1 2 3 4
1 PI Alexander 100% 100% 96% 77% 34%
2 LEWALLEN Reece 100% 98% 82% 42% 8%
3 GOLDIN Lucca 100% 81% 40% 9% 1%
3 KIM Daniel Y 100% 66% 19% 2% -
5 OSENAR Sam 100% 97% 76% 35% 6%
6 YERRAMILLI Tejas 100% 91% 57% 19% 2%
7 HALL Noah 100% 98% 82% 43% 9%
8 GOGNA Rehan 100% 100% 93% 63% 19%
9 VENU Ram 100% 91% 55% 16% 2%
10 SECOR Solomon 100% 94% 66% 26% 4%


The heatmap in this table provides a visual representation of the victory probability distribution for each fencer in their respective pools:

This heatmap visualization offers an immediate understanding of each fencer's expected performance compared to their actual results.