Treasure Chest RYC

Y-14 Men's Saber

Monday, January 21, 2019 at 3:00 PM

San Francisco, CA - San Francisco, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 YOUNG Nash 3063 3088 26 3312 3387 76
2 GOCHMAN Max 2546 2726 180 2658 3155 497
3 KOTOV Leonid 2048 2221 173 1646 2590 944
3 XU William 2322 2383 61 2894 2958 63
5 GHAYALOD Ansh 2399 2663 263 2478 2623 145
6 HOLZ William A. 2541 2591 50 2818 2828 10
7 SHI Kyle 1918 1918 1 1622 2241 618
8 CHIN Avery 2295 2127 168 2357 2669 313
9 JEFFRY Nicholas B. 2989 3024 35 3302 3155 147
10 LIN Daniel 2820 2855 35 2619 2591 28
11 RAO Adrit 1937 2094 157 1345 1830 485
12 LIU Christopher X. 2487 2515 28 2725 2806 81
13 KIBBAR Tomer L. 2344 2391 47 1676 1820 144
14 POFF James 2500 2200 300 2500 2307 193
15 JEFFRY Christian B. 2728 2592 136 2781 2743 38
16 WANG YiLe(Justin) 1639 1703 63 1960 2078 118
17 SCOVILL Tenzin S. 2500 2683 183 2500 1782 718
18 KLEIMAN Jakob 2407 2435 28 2912 2777 135
19 LEUNG Cameron 2823 2719 104 2699 2542 157
20 BELLEMIN Thomas 2023 2138 115 2131 1737 394
20 ZHANG Lingyong 1645 2057 412 1815 1664 151
22 KERZHNER Kevin 2124 2175 51 1747 1411 335
23 MILLER-MORTON Kahlo 2500 1589 911 2500 2121 379
24 ROSBERG Dashiell W. 2742 2603 139 3378 3283 95
25 HAO Anwen 2216 2133 83 2168 2089 80
26 RASMUSSEN Oliver 2138 2009 128 2462 2200 261
27 STONE Esmond A. 2161 2119 43 2417 2362 56
28 STEWART Nicolas 2500 1751 749 2500 1691 809
29 JAIN Aniket 1396 1265 131 2145 2023 122
30 HODGES Calvin 2072 1769 303 2115 1837 278


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.