2020 IFC Div 2 & Y12 Tournament--3 Weapons

Div II Mixed Épée

Sunday, March 8, 2020 at 10:30 AM

Lions Recreation Center (Lower Level) - Mt. Prospect, IL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 CONKLIN Jim 2437 2521 83 2659 2856 197
2 REINER Julius J. 2527 2742 215 2079 2875 796
3 MALLAVARPU Aarthi C. 2955 2906 49 3112 3128 16
3 NIKOLS Costa 2525 2572 47 2685 2645 40
5 AHUJA Arianna 2768 2776 8 2968 2955 13
6 MILLER Joshua J. 2468 2571 103 2652 2662 10
7 PAPP Mike 2690 2385 305 3305 3186 120
8 DOROSHKEVICH Victoriia 2246 2130 117 3168 2845 323
9 CANCELO Jose 2154 2385 231 2500 2168 332
10 PASTER Eli 2293 2388 95 2698 2682 16
12 MANDADI Saicharan 2500 2240 260 2500 2354 146
13 DUNLOP Richard (Dick) M. 1889 1930 41 1986 1936 50
14 SUH Ryan 1734 1718 15 2777 2378 399
15 OLEDZKA Julia 2306 2317 11 1918 1803 115
16 CASTELLANOS Rene E. 2019 2018 1 1975 2005 30
17 COHA Richard A. 1627 1670 43 1632 1459 174
18 VERMAN Oleksandr 2500 1853 647 2500 1675 825
19 SAMANDAS Jackelyn 2122 2098 24 1832 1664 168
20 QUAN Ian 2500 1647 853 - - -
21 BALDWIN Robert (Bob) C. 1563 1618 56 2500 2079 421
22 LEE Daniel J. 2679 2374 304 2079 1832 247
23 GREENE David A. 2500 2442 58 2500 2079 421
24 PONTICELLI Samuel 1540 1510 29 1773 1705 68
25 FUMO David 2500 1653 847 2500 2249 251
26 VLCEK Thomas H. 1498 1073 425 2500 2207 293
27 HENSEL Kaeleb 2054 1621 433 1793 1671 122


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.