Wang Memorial ROC & RYC

Div II Men's Saber

Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 8:00 AM

Arlington, TX - Arlington, TX, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SMITH Kyle D. 2500 2502 2 2500 3673 1173
2 ESCUETA Tony V. 3062 3054 8 3335 3340 5
3 ZHOU Brian 2506 2508 3 2772 2804 33
3 GRAF Andrew J. 2386 2455 69 2461 2703 242
5 HWANG Ryan C. 2397 2389 8 2330 2418 87
6 BANNERMAN Andrew J. 2663 2655 8 2586 2647 61
7 HURST Alexander 2332 2337 5 2573 2670 97
8 HANSON Liam 2477 2195 283 2607 2687 80
9 GREEN James 2877 2889 12 3073 3053 20
10 MAGUIRE Matthew V. 2784 2804 20 2896 2884 11
11 ESCUETA Jr Antonio V. 2401 2422 22 2534 2518 17
12 CONINE Tanner C. 2677 2702 25 2846 2825 22
13 MENTA Varun 2479 2498 18 2751 2744 7
14 PHILLIPS Wesley Y. 2083 2138 56 1423 1929 506
15 JUNG Junhwan 2580 2584 4 2565 2561 4
16 ZHU Charlie 1755 1770 16 2010 2092 82
17 BONSELL Vance 2303 2342 39 2541 2515 25
18 HENRY Dillon P. 2789 2747 41 2897 2565 333
19 KIM Alexander M. 2804 2803 1 2822 2790 32
20 NYNAS Thomas A. 2181 2202 20 2095 1961 134
21 YANG Ethan 1946 1944 2 1736 1720 16
22 KOSURI Harsha 2030 2050 20 2443 2385 58
23 LOPEZ Lucas M. 1948 1979 31 2469 2442 27
24 CHEN Christopher 2278 2288 10 2414 2320 94
25 CADAMBE Rishi 1861 1872 11 1881 1892 11
26 NGUYEN Andrew 2207 2193 14 2107 2091 16
27 HERRERA Maximo 2500 1689 811 2500 2532 32
28 BARRIE Robert 1440 1458 19 1786 1903 117
29 BRADFORD Tucker 1995 2007 12 2229 2231 2
30 MCNALLY Christopher 1587 1744 158 2005 2105 100
31 NICHOLAS Mark A. 2204 1925 279 2526 2429 97
32 JAIN Abhishek 2500 1289 1211 2500 2369 131
33 DANIELL Steven J. 1509 1519 10 1891 1867 24
34 XU Adler 1181 1196 15 1426 1400 27
35 SCLAFANI Henry 1438 1542 104 1753 1667 86
36 JOHNS Wyatt 1720 1643 77 2066 1857 210
37 DOMINGUEZ Ernest 2500 1393 1107 2500 1860 640
38 KISTNER J. Kyle 1288 1246 42 2640 2032 607
39 FOWBLE Chance 1913 1764 150 1871 1732 140
40 BOWMAN James 1239 1195 44 842 829 13
41 KEARNEY John 1138 1094 45 1416 1266 150
41 GODFREY Samuel 1411 1213 198 1851 1542 309
43 MYERS Tim 1301 870 431 1667 1503 165
44 HAYWARD Donald 1473 1419 54 1347 1334 13


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.