NEUSFA Jack Norton Hangover Open

Senior Mixed Saber

Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 4:00 PM

Boston Fencing Club - Boston, MA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 KULDELL Spencer D. 3339 3329 9 3874 3896 22
2 RAI Avin 3015 2995 20 3103 3156 54
3 TRAVERS Samir T. 3148 3155 7 3388 3388 0
3 CZAHA Balint 2923 2956 32 3076 3070 6
5 CHOI Hyunseok 3363 3361 2 3632 3594 38
6 BUENAVENTURA Christian 3250 3261 10 3563 3506 57
7 ATEFI Daniel 2703 2744 40 2520 2544 24
8 BLUM Leah I. 2129 2196 68 2504 2331 173
9 RAMAN Easwer 3036 3002 34 2500 1931 569
10 SHEALY Maggie 2629 2569 60 2620 2351 269
11 KAPOOR Tanmay 1668 1813 144 2181 2087 94
12 PIWOWAR Alex 2102 2095 8 2163 2163 0
13 BONDARENCO Vlad 2500 1572 928 2500 1974 526


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.