Freehold Fencing's Div3 Foil

Div III Mixed Foil

Friday, August 6, 2021 at 6:00 PM

Freehold Fencing Academy - Freehold, NJ, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 POPE Alexander 1841 1850 9 2072 2104 32
2 ASCHETTINO Aurora 2096 2107 11 2359 2387 27
3 LENZ Zoe 2019 2014 5 1939 1930 10
3 NIECHWADOWICZ Michael 1338 1356 18 1449 1401 48
5 SONG Bryan 2312 2314 2 2272 2277 4
6 SORSAIA John 1316 1319 3 1582 1554 28
7 LIAW Elaine 1823 1845 22 2921 2618 302
8 VISCONTI Andrew 1078 1042 36 3156 2701 455
9 TIBURZI Hallie 2105 2179 74 2756 2519 237
10 BELOKON Samuel 1693 1707 13 2500 2079 421
11 MENON Rhea 1795 1759 36 2079 1811 268
12 TSAI William 1404 1385 19 2921 2334 587
13 HATZOGLU Isabella 1710 1657 54 1622 1561 61
14 WANG Reese 1358 1454 96 2079 1924 156
15 RIEHL John (Trey) 988 937 51 1461 1366 95
16 SATISH Prithika 3033 1822 1212 1588 1869 282
17 VELLORE Angelica 1050 989 62 1627 1347 280
18 SATISH Prisha 1408 1301 107 1832 1664 168


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.