Pacific Northwest Open (Foil & Epee)

Senior Mixed Foil

Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Northwest Fencing Center - Beaverton, OR, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 MITBERG Gregory W. 3861 3865 3 4063 4076 13
2 STRUGAR Marcus A. 2823 2838 15 3136 3149 13
3 DING Abigail 2700 2709 9 2909 2923 14
3 MIN Eric 2698 2698 0 3038 3043 5
5 LAMBERT Mahala 2725 2727 2 3041 2613 428
6 YEN Natalie 2561 2518 43 2928 2910 18
7 STRUGAR Steliana 3150 3274 125 2575 2295 280
8 PHILLIPS Jasper 2501 2576 74 3350 3154 197
9 NIRGUDE Siddhi 1356 1433 78 2500 2079 421
10 WAKANA Issei 2500 2247 253 2500 1959 541
11 QUINN Anna 1718 1716 2 1743 1737 5
12 PHILLIPS Konon 2394 2494 101 2728 2538 191
13 CRAIG Whitman 1634 1639 5 2832 2425 407
14 SKYWARK Andrew 2351 2337 14 2347 2412 65
15 LIM Jonathon 1652 1665 13 1865 1958 93
16 MEMMOTT Ben 1480 1474 6 1624 1849 225
17 SCHUMANN Benjamin 893 845 48 2009 1724 285
18 HOLCOMB Alexander 994 935 59 2083 1809 273
19 JOHNSON Ryder 2500 1373 1127 2500 1914 586


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.