MTFC Sanctioned Senior Mixed Foil

Senior Mixed Foil

Monday, October 4, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Metro Tacoma Fencing Club - Lakewood, WA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 DING Abigail 2699 2700 1 2907 2909 3
2 GUERRA Gabriel 2431 2426 6 2855 2859 4
3 CHUNG Yeongbin 2485 2490 5 2677 2707 30
3 LEE Paulina 3032 3177 144 3327 3242 85
5 GUERRA Sofia 3204 3233 28 2892 2848 44
6 PORRAS Cristian 2590 2603 13 2856 2832 24
7 LEE Tobias 2749 2752 4 2659 2684 25
8 COSGROVE Jameson 1620 1639 19 1400 1535 135
9 KIM Harrison 1934 1933 0 2189 2183 6
10 KIM Teo 1240 1229 11 1307 1246 62
11 POEHLMANN Ulrich 948 1028 80 1743 1686 57
12 POEHLMANN Scott 1381 1418 38 1876 1835 40
13 STRINGFELLOW Charles 1193 892 300 1854 1785 69
14 FORD Nikanor 1379 1349 29 1582 1576 6
15 KIM Jee Young 1270 1255 16 1872 1771 101


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.