SAS Youth Foil & Y14 Epee

Y-12 Mixed Foil

Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 1:30 PM

Salle Auriol Seattle - Seattle, WA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 WANG Li 1577 1599 23 1936 1997 61
2 PIQUETTE Annika 1508 1562 54 2451 2573 122
3 WANG Mei 1291 1288 3 1759 1848 89
3 BACON Maxwell 2500 1525 975 2500 2068 432
5 INGRAHAM Henry 1304 1489 185 2152 1985 168
6 WU Elynna 976 1096 120 1694 1600 94
7 PETRIK Isabelle 2500 1575 925 2905 2368 537
8 DEWEY Kaia 919 926 7 1737 1618 118
9 BEBEE Thomas 1918 1660 258 1879 1698 180
10 KIM Seoheul 1279 1178 101 2280 2089 191
11 ASADI Lucille 1042 717 326 1753 1602 151
12 SENIK-PUCKETT Matilda 2500 752 1748 2500 1638 862


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.