True Focus Epee Youth & Open Pre-Season Tournament

Y-12 Mixed Épée

Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 9:00 AM

True Focus Sports Academy - Davis, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 HSU Joshua 912 1074 163 1617 1914 297
2 GUO Woody 1349 1383 34 1433 1599 166
3 PATTERSON Liliya 1182 1226 44 3069 2639 431
3 LI Ryan 1364 1532 168 2199 1741 459
5 YAO Tristan 1429 1424 5 1721 1700 21
6 LIN Isabel 1615 1858 243 1862 2045 184
7 LI Yunxuan 1905 2196 291 2921 3136 216
8 WANG Devin 1267 1320 52 1879 2138 258
9 DAI Jason 2169 1704 465 1583 1452 131
10 CHANG Allison 1657 1623 35 2223 2202 21
11 YU Chloe 1400 1353 47 1725 1677 48
12 MIU Phoebe 2500 1807 693 2500 1959 541
13 ZHANG William 1541 1229 312 1748 1372 377
14 LI Nathan 2500 763 1737 2500 1493 1007


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.