GFA/UNCG Intramural

Mixed Épée

Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 12:00 PM

Greensboro Fencing Academy - Greensboro, NC, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SAKO Ayrton (A.J.) 3002 3015 14 2333 2457 124
2 GOMEZ Victor 2303 2374 70 2611 2585 26
3 ANDERSON Derek 2200 2277 77 2133 2222 89
5 NEAL Mary E. 2421 2521 100 2500 2154 346
6 CANCRO Anthony 2500 1854 646 2500 2066 434
7 CLARK Rob P. 2500 1897 603 2921 2435 485
8 MCGINNISS Andrew 976 1328 353 2023 1739 284
10 SCHUEREN Emma 1986 1957 28 2500 2079 421
13 VERGARA Jayson 2500 1556 944 2500 2033 467
14 CONE James 1465 1191 274 2500 1849 651
18 SHELTON Victoria 2058 1836 222 - - -
19 NELSON Julia 2500 2621 121 2500 2079 421
20 ROBBINS Maria 1680 1628 52 2079 1832 247
21 HOLT Tayla 1076 1045 31 - - -


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.