IFC 2022 Winter Classic

Senior Mixed Saber

Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 12:45 PM

Indianapolis Fencing Club - Indianapolis, IN, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 GRIFFITH Joseph (Joe) 2131 2159 28 2482 2755 273
2 BLAKEMAN Michael 2031 2439 408 2179 2249 70
3 MORALES Victoria 2205 2505 300 2626 2439 188
3 CURTIS Daniel 2500 2437 63 2500 2794 294
5 TAGUE JONATHAN 2500 3094 594 2832 2280 552
6 DUNN Linda J 2520 2494 26 2678 2709 31
7 GOSMEYER Matthew 2145 2010 135 2147 1878 269
8 BRUTUS Caleb 2068 2185 118 3150 2939 211
9 FARIDI Imran 1880 1779 102 2079 1939 141
11 PETRIKIN Annika 2244 2511 267 2500 2039 461
12 GALATI savannah 2110 2050 60 2079 1832 247
13 SAWYER Edward 2500 2044 456 2500 2079 421
15 SHAW Robert 2500 1581 919 2500 1914 586
16 SIMPKISS Andrew 2500 1387 1113 2500 1969 531


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.