Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - 7 10 36 - 53
Losses - 7 27 45 - 79
Win Ratio - 50.0% 27.0% 44.4% - 40.2%
Pool Victories - 5 7 27 - 39
Pool Losses - 5 21 33 - 59
Pool Win Ratio - 50.0% 25.0% 45.0% - 39.8%
DE Victories - 2 3 9 - 14
DE Losses - 2 6 12 - 20
DE Win Ratio - 50.0% 33.3% 42.9% - 41.2%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins - - 4 11 - 15
Easy wins as % of wins - 0.0% 40.0% 30.6% - 28.3%
Close wins - 3 4 4 - 11
Close wins as % of all wins - 42.9% 40.0% 11.1% - 20.8%
Close losses - - 4 5 - 9
Close losses as % of all losses - 0.0% 14.8% 11.1% - 11.4%
Big losses - 6 8 15 - 29
Big losses as % of all losses - 85.7% 29.6% 33.3% - 36.7%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events - 2 6 12 - 20
Tournaments - 2 5 10 - 17

Competition History

2023 Leon Auriol Open

Senior Women's Saber (E1, SNR), November 4, 2023
Place 8 of 12, Seed 6, Not ranked, Rating E23, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 1:5 MARENTES Blanca E. 8 E23 3 Salle Auriol Seattle 2192 1942 13.5 34%
Pool V 5:3 DEVASIA Nisha 11 U 10 San Francisco Sabre School 1757 1929 11.5 58%
Pool D 2:5 KING Robin E. 3 D22 6 Salle Auriol Seattle 2052 1940 16.2 43%
Pool D 0:5 NAIR Supriya 10 U 7 Salle Auriol Seattle / Golden State Fencing Academy 1599 1924 27.1 70%
Pool D 1:5 GOLDIN Nina 2 D23 2 Salle Auriol Seattle 2233 1897 11.0 29%
T16 V 15:10 ASHTIANI Shaya 5 E23 9 Salle Auriol Seattle 1958 2064 44.9 57%
T8 D 7:15 GOLDIN Nina 2 D23 2 Salle Auriol Seattle 2385 2108 33.8 33%

SAS Pirate Cup #1

Senior Mixed Saber (C1, SNR), October 7, 2023
Place 6 of 22, Seed 10, Not ranked, Rating E23, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:4 DEGEN Anita L. 18 U 16 Salle Auriol Seattle 1601 1890 13.3 68%
Pool D 0:5 HUANG Zekai 2 C23 2 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:3 NEARMAN Chris 15 U 17 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:4 ZUG Kiersten A. 7 E23 9 Salle Auriol Seattle 1987 1904 21.9 45%
Pool V 5:2 WONG Alice 21 U 19 Salle Auriol Seattle 2014 1926 16.6 46%
T16 V 15:14 GOGNA Rehan 9 E23 11 Salle Auriol Seattle
T8 D 7:15 YERRAMILLI Tejas 6 D23 3 Salle Auriol Seattle

Seattle Saber Day (Open, Unrated, Y14)

Senior Mixed Saber (B2, SNR), May 13, 2023
Place 21 of 27, Seed 16, Not ranked, Rating E23, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 0:5 GOLDIN Lucca 9 C22 9 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:2 GARRETT Ash 25 U 27 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 1:5 PIISPANEN Eric A. 1 B23 3 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:4 BARCZAY Sara E. 24 U 22 Salle Auriol Seattle 1405 1881 9.7 78%
Pool D 3:5 VANDEN BROOK Christopher 17 E23 13 Washington Fencing Academy
Pool D 0:5 VENU Ram 8 C22 5 Salle Auriol Seattle
T32 D 9:15 GOLDIN Nina 11 D23 12 Salle Auriol Seattle 2434 2098 34.4 30%

Portland ROC

Div I-A Women's Saber (C1, D1A), April 2, 2023
Place 19 of 22, Seed 13, Not ranked, Rating E22, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 4:5 LIM Jaslene 4 C22 1 PDX Fencing 2369 1961 12.0 25%
Pool D 3:5 ASHTIANI Shaya 20 U 13 Salle Auriol Seattle 1515 1949 34.9 76%
Pool D 3:5 ZUG Kiersten A. 14 E22 8 Salle Auriol Seattle 1923 1914 20.8 49%
Pool D 3:5 ZHANG Lynn Y. 5 D23 11 PDX Fencing 2253 1893 12.2 28%
T32 D 9:15 CARLUCCI Laura A. 9 D22 15 Salle Auriol Seattle 2169 2156 58.0 49%

Portland ROC

Div II Women's Saber (C1, DV2), April 1, 2023
Place 6 of 23, Seed 12, Not ranked, Rating E22, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 4:5 GOLDIN Nina 4 D23 2 Salle Auriol Seattle 2117 1942 18.7 39%
Pool V 5:0 KINKADE Ellie 5 D23 7 Oregon Fencing Alliance 2090 1923 28.7 39%
Pool V 5:4 PINTO Preethi Antony 21 U 18 PDX Fencing 1255 1952 6.9 86%
Pool V 5:0 HISEROTE Ellie 13 U 21 PDX Fencing 693 1959 2.0 96%
T16 V 15:13 YAMAMOTO Naomi 20 U 11 Salle Auriol Seattle 2043 2177 54.8 58%
T8 D 9:15 ZHOU Ruoxi ( Jasmine) 8 E23 3 2092 2232 75.8 59%

SAS Saber #4: Y10, Y12,Y14, Junior, Open

Senior Mixed Saber (B2, SNR), March 18, 2023
Place 25 of 29, Seed 14, Not ranked, Rating E22, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 4:5 GARRETT Ash 17 U 23 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:3 ASHTIANI Shaya 27 U 19 Salle Auriol Seattle 1318 1933 8.7 84%
Pool D 2:5 XU William 29 U 16 Washington Fencing Academy
Pool D 2:5 HOOLE Colson 7 D23 9 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 1:5 HUANG Zekai 4 C23 2 Salle Auriol Seattle
T32 D 11:15 NADEL Joshua 25 U 6 Salle Auriol Seattle

SAS Pirate Cup #3

Senior Mixed Saber (U, SNR), February 11, 2023
Place 29 of 36, Seed 17, Not ranked, Rating E22, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 1:5 GHOSH Kairav 29 U 27 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 2:5 SATHE Mehek S. 8 C19 6 Salle Auriol Seattle 2443 1991 12.7 23%
Pool V 5:4 DUNNELL Mahlon M. 20 U 23 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 3:5 BARCZAY Sara E. 32 U 26 Salle Auriol Seattle 1397 1978 44.9 82%
Pool D 3:5 VENU Ram 5 C22 5 Salle Auriol Seattle
T64 V 15:6 RANSON Margaux 15 D21 36 Salle Auriol Seattle / Laguna Fencing Center 1931 2136 40.8 59%
T32 D 6:15 BULL Anderson 1 B23 1 Salle Auriol Seattle / Manhattan Fencing Center

2023 Battle in Seattle

Div I-A Women's Saber (B1, D1A), January 29, 2023
Place 14 of 23, Seed 12, Not ranked, Rating E22, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 0:5 LIM Jaslene 4 C22 8 PDX Fencing 2381 2088 18.5 32%
Pool D 3:5 ZHOU Jacquelyn K. 5 C22 9 Salle Auriol Seattle / Fencers Club Inc. 2435 2070 15.9 28%
Pool D 1:5 OU Yixuan 21 U 19 Vancouver Fencing Center 1538 2054 32.7 74%
Pool D 4:5 ZUG Kiersten A. 13 E22 20 Salle Auriol Seattle 1873 2021 30.8 59%
T32 V 15:8 OU Yixuan 21 U 19 Vancouver Fencing Center 2500 2093 63.3 35%
T16 D 10:15 YODER Bridget H. 2 B19 3 Fencing Academy Of Denver 2939 2156 20.2 11%

SAS Pirate Cup #5

Senior Mixed Saber (U, SNR), June 4, 2022
Place 19 of 29, Seed 12, Not ranked, Rating E21, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 2:5 BULL Anderson 2 B22 2 Salle Auriol Seattle / Manhattan Fencing Center
Pool V 5:2 BRUCE Anthony 22 U 29 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 2:5 LANZA Giovanni 27 U 7 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 3:5 VENU Ram 9 D22 12 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:2 ZENG Xinyi 19 U 20 Salle Auriol Seattle 1647 2073 15.0 75%
T32 D 9:15 MARENTES Blanca E. 15 E18 14 Salle Auriol Seattle 2167 2176 83.4 51%

SAS Saber #4: Y10, Y12, Y14, Junior, Open

Senior Mixed Saber (B2, SNR), May 7, 2022
Place 12 of 25, Seed 14, Not ranked, Rating E21, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:3 SHERRARD Kael G. 23 U 16 Hillside Cavaliers Fencing Club / Washington Fencing Academy
Pool D 3:5 YERRAMILLI Tejas 11 E22 9 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:2 JOSAL Hilma 19 U 25 Salle Auriol Seattle 1604 2059 14.3 75%
Pool D 1:5 RASMUSSEN Alexzander C. 3 C22 1 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 3:5 HUANG Zekai 6 C20 11 Salle Auriol Seattle
T32 V 15:9 ZUG Kiersten A. 22 U 21 Salle Auriol Seattle 2500 2183 76.9 38%
T16 D 7:15 KALISOVA Kristyna 16 E19 3 Washington Fencing Academy 2339 2260 83.6 45%

Portland ROC - DV1A, DV2 & VET

Div I-A Women's Saber (D1, D1A), April 3, 2022
Place 13 of 24, Seed 16, Not ranked, Rating E21, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:0 HOLMES Sabrina 21 U 19 Salle Auriol Seattle 1446 2021 13.2 82%
Pool D 2:5 KNIGHT Skylar 9 E22 6 Maximum Fencing Club 2323 2034 21.2 32%
Pool V 5:0 OISHI Yoko 8 E22 24 PDX Fencing 1570 2013 15.9 76%
Pool V 5:3 EVANS Madelynn 17 E21 8 High Desert Fencing Alliance 2080 2029 33.0 47%
Pool D 2:5 OISHI Megumi 1 50 A21 3 PDX Fencing 3235 2062 2.5 3%
T32 V 15:9 BARCZAY Sara (Sari) E. 20 U 21 Salle Auriol Seattle 1894 2175 64.2 62%
T16 D 13:15 SADIK Hana 2 B21 1 PDX Fencing 2697 2239 56.3 25%

Portland ROC - DV1A, DV2 & VET

Div II Women's Saber (D1, DV2), April 2, 2022
Place 14 of 23, Seed 12, Not ranked, Rating E21, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 4:5 SAKPAL Raghavi 4 D20 13 Salle Auriol Seattle 2225 2028 28.2 38%
Pool D 4:5 KALKINA Yelena 5 E22 1 Oregon Fencing Alliance 3130 2000 4.2 5%
Pool D 3:5 ZHANG Lynn Y. 13 E21 12 PDX Fencing 2352 1996 20.9 28%
Pool V 5:2 CHOI Sophie Grace 22 U 19 PDX Fencing 2663 1975 45.6 20%
T32 V 15:11 CHOI Sophie Grace 22 U 19 PDX Fencing 2500 2136 110.5 37%
T16 D 8:15 DAVIS Jayna M. 10 E22 2 High Desert Fencing Alliance 2667 2246 71.2 27%

SAS Pirate Cup #3

Senior Mixed Saber (U, SNR), March 19, 2022
Place 11 of 31, Seed 16, Not ranked, Rating E21, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:1 YERRAMILLI Tejas 13 E22 15 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:1 SECOR Solomon 27 U 26 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:0 MARTINSON Callum 23 U 31 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 3:5 SATHE Mehek S. 7 C19 7 Salle Auriol Seattle 2449 2050 21.1 26%
Pool D 2:5 RASMUSSEN Alexzander C. 4 C22 5 Salle Auriol Seattle
T32 V 15:14 HOLMES Sabrina 30 U 22 Salle Auriol Seattle 1662 2046 90.1 70%
T16 D 8:15 SATHE Tej R. 6 C20 6 Salle Auriol Seattle

SAS Saber: E & Under

E & Under Mixed Saber (D1, E), February 11, 2022
Place 10 of 23, Seed 4, Not ranked, Rating E21, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:3 PRESTON Jayce 17 U 19 Nova Fencing Club 2500 1995 34.4 31%
Pool D 2:5 SNYDER Ari W. 9 U 9 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:1 RYABKOV Stanislav 23 U 15 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool V 5:3 PHAM Thuy 16 U 22 Salle Auriol Seattle 1584 2030 20.0 76%
Pool D 1:5 GOLDIN Lucca 1 E22 1 Salle Auriol Seattle
T32 V 15:4 BENNETT Joel 21 U 23
T16 D 6:15 ARTIS II Ron 15 U 7 PDX Fencing

Battle in Seattle

Div I-A Women's Saber (E1, D1A), January 30, 2022
Place 9 of 14, Seed 6, Not ranked, Rating E21, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:3 MARENTES Blanca E. 10 E18 10 Salle Auriol Seattle 2039 1827 72.8 37%
Pool V 5:2 YERRAMILLI Kavya 7 E21 3 Salle Auriol Seattle 2422 1900 93.2 20%
Pool D 4:5 SAKPAL Raghavi 2 D20 11 Salle Auriol Seattle 2250 1993 34.3 34%
Pool D 1:5 LIM Jaslene 14 U 5 PDX Fencing 1904 1959 50.1 53%
Pool V 5:0 O'LEARY Ellen 3 D19 13 Infinity Fencing Alliance / Washington Fencing Academy 1730 1909 34.6 61%
Pool V 5:3 KNIGHT Skylar 13 U 6 Maximum Fencing Club 2284 1943 51.9 32%
T16 D 11:15 CARLUCCI Laura A. 5 E21 8 Salle Auriol Seattle 1917 2305 259.0 70%

Portland ROC - DV1A, DV2 & VET

Div I-A Women's Saber (C1, D1A), November 14, 2021
Place 7 of 15, Seed 11, Not ranked, Rating U, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 3:5 YERRAMILLI Kavya 8 E21 5 Salle Auriol Seattle 2395 1754 26.1 16%
Pool V 5:0 MEHTA Mary 14 U 15 Oregon Fencing Alliance 1263 1727 34.0 75%
Pool D 3:5 SADIK Hana 2 B21 2 PDX Fencing 2417 1761 22.8 15%
Pool V 5:3 CLIFTON Nicole R. 5 D21 10 Las Vegas Fencing Academy / High Desert Fencing Alliance 2079 1739 88.3 30%
T16 V 15:12 RAPHY Raina 15 U 11 PDX Fencing 1406 2264 67.9 83%
T8 D 5:15 OISHI Megumi 1 23 A21 1 PDX Fencing 3527 2332 27.6 5%

Portland ROC - DV1A, DV2 & VET

Div II Women's Saber (D1, DV2), November 13, 2021
Place 5 of 15, Seed 8, Not ranked, Rating U, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:3 PHAM Thuy 12 U 9 Salle Auriol Seattle 1412 1544 79.5 57%
Pool V 5:2 MEHTA Mary 13 U 11 Oregon Fencing Alliance 1192 1624 46.7 72%
Pool D 2:5 SUN Alyssa 1 C21 1 PDX Fencing 2457 1670 22.9 11%
Pool V 5:3 GORDON Sarah 6 E19 14 PDX Fencing 1894 1647 106.2 35%
T16 V 15:10 ZHANG Lynn Y. 7 E18 12 PDX Fencing 2295 2094 457.0 41%
T8 D 14:15 YERRAMILLI Kavya 5 E21 3 Salle Auriol Seattle 2521 2551 286.6 51%

SAS Pirate Cup #2

Senior Mixed Saber (U, SNR), November 6, 2021
Place 12 of 24, Seed 14, Not ranked, Rating U, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 ANDERSON Rena 16 U 23 Salle Auriol Seattle 2500 1523 146.3 18%
Pool D 3:5 YERRAMILLI Kavya 6 E21 10 Salle Auriol Seattle 2389 1670 39.1 14%
Pool V 5:0 RYABKOV Stanislav 22 U 15 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 0:5 RASMUSSEN Alexzander C. 3 D21 3 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 2:5 DEGEN Anita L. 11 U 17 Salle Auriol Seattle 1815 1631 86.6 39%
T32 V 15:13 BONEWITZ Hutton 15 U 21 Salle Auriol Seattle
T16 D 2:15 BULL Anderson 1 B21 1 Salle Auriol Seattle / Manhattan Fencing Center

SAS Saber: D & Under

Div III Mixed Saber (D1, DV3), October 22, 2021
Place 16 of 25, Seed 12, Not ranked, Rating U, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 3:5 YERRAMILLI Kavya 5 E21 7 Salle Auriol Seattle 2382 1419 33.1 8%
Pool V 5:4 HOLMES Sabrina 20 U 21 Salle Auriol Seattle 1378 1386 137.9 50%
Pool D 2:5 SNYDER Ari W. 21 U 20 Salle Auriol Seattle
Pool D 1:5 VENU Ram 4 E21 2 Washington Fencing Academy
Pool D 2:5 HOOLE Colson 24 U 6 Salle Auriol Seattle
T32 V 15:10 RYABKOV Stanislav 15 U 17 Salle Auriol Seattle
T16 D 8:15 VENU Ram 4 E21 2 Washington Fencing Academy

Rain City Fall RJCC+Div II ROC

Div II Women's Saber (E1, DV2), September 19, 2021
Place 7 of 9, Seed 6, Not ranked, Rating U, Salle Auriol Seattle
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 2:5 ZENG Xiaoyi 7 U 3 Salle Auriol Seattle 1880 2500 825.3 73%
Pool D 1:5 GRULICH Rayaana 8 U 6 Oregon Fencing Alliance 2036 1675 228.1 33%
Pool D 3:5 CHEN Xinyan 2 C18 5 Oregon Fencing Alliance / Sigma Fencing Academy 2531 1447 55.0 8%
Pool D 1:5 SCHIMINOVICH Sophia I. 3 D21 2 Oregon Fencing Alliance 2454 1392 49.9 8%
Pool D 0:5 CARLUCCI Laura A. 9 U 3 Salle Auriol Seattle 2200 1342 65.6 13%
Pool D 3:5 YERRAMILLI Kavya 4 E19 1 Salle Auriol Seattle 2400 1276 32.6 6%
Pool V 5:1 FAYETTE Mathilde 5 U 8 Oregon Fencing Alliance 1221 1243 175.3 51%
T8 D 10:15 SCHIMINOVICH Sophia I. 3 D21 2 Oregon Fencing Alliance 2839 2500 406.0 37%