Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - 22 - 1 7 30
Losses - 12 - 6 21 39
Win Ratio - 64.7% - 14.3% 25.0% 43.5%
Pool Victories - 14 - 1 6 21
Pool Losses - 9 - 5 17 31
Pool Win Ratio - 60.9% - 16.7% 26.1% 40.4%
DE Victories - 8 - - 1 9
DE Losses - 3 - 1 4 8
DE Win Ratio - 72.7% - 0.0% 20.0% 52.9%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins - 6 - - 2 8
Easy wins as % of wins - 27.3% - 0.0% 28.6% 26.7%
Close wins - 2 - - 2 4
Close wins as % of all wins - 9.1% - 0.0% 28.6% 13.3%
Close losses - 3 - 1 2 6
Close losses as % of all losses - 25.0% - 16.7% 9.5% 15.4%
Big losses - 3 - 2 8 13
Big losses as % of all losses - 25.0% - 33.3% 38.1% 33.3%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events - 4 - 1 4 9
Tournaments - 4 - 1 3 8

Competition History

FAB Open Mixed Saber

Mixed Saber (U), June 23, 2024
Place 1 of 12, Seed 11, Not ranked, Rating U, Fencing Academy of Boston
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:3 O’NEIL Aiden 6 U 9 Fencing Academy of Boston 818 1628 6.1 88%
Pool D 2:5 SIMMONS John M. 7 U 2 Fencing Academy of Boston 1847 1634 17.9 36%
Pool D 3:5 SEUSS C. David 2 C21 6 Fencing Academy of Boston 2620 1616 3.3 5%
Pool V 5:0 MENON Maya 10 U 12 Fencing Academy of Boston
Pool V 5:2 BONDARENCO Vlad 3 D23 5 Fencing Academy of Boston 2274 1613 46.9 14%
T16 V 15:0 MENON Maya 10 U 12 Fencing Academy of Boston
T8 V 15:7 LIEUWMA Nicolas 5 E24 8 Fencing Academy of Boston / Boston Fencing Club 1786 1765 78.4 49%
T4 V 15:11 FOSS Persephone 1 C24 3 Fencing Academy of Boston
T2 V 15:8 SIMMONS John M. 7 U 2 Fencing Academy of Boston 2015 1843 86.3 40%

NEUSFA 2024 Pomme De Terre

E & Under Men's Saber (D1, E), June 16, 2024
Place 7 of 32, Seed 17, Not ranked, Rating U, Fencing Academy Of Boston
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 FERREIRA Bryan 13 U 32 2500 1630 28.0 20%
Pool D 2:5 ONG Dylan 8 E23 2 Zeta Fencing 1690 1658 25.4 48%
Pool V 5:2 AVRAMIS Adam 23 U 24 Binghamton University Fencing Club 894 1633 7.3 87%
Pool V 5:4 KAPOOR Krish 32 U 30 Boston Fencing Club 992 1640 8.5 85%
Pool D 4:5 HUTTON Sawyer 3 E24 10 Fazekas Fencing Academy 1781 1649 20.8 41%
T32 V 15:10 BROGAN Kevin 30 U 25 Boston Fencing Club 1637 1698 86.8 53%
T16 V 15:11 MATTINGLY ian 15 U 9 1602 1784 72.6 61%
T8 D 8:15 LIEUWMA Nicolas 5 E24 3 Fencing Academy Of Boston / Boston Fencing Club 1778 1857 92.4 55%

Boston Fencing Club ROC

Div II Men's Saber (C2, DV2), May 5, 2024
Place 23 of 45, Seed 44, Not ranked, Rating U, Fencing Academy Of Boston
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 4:5 RODRIGUEZ Darlin 16 D23 10 International Fencing Club 2600 1635 5.0 6%
Pool V 5:2 CLARK Gabriel 12 D24 9 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club 1956 1630 46.0 30%
Pool D 3:5 HAUSLER Jayden 28 E23 41 Hills Fencing Institute 1093 1676 55.9 83%
Pool V 5:2 LIBBY Benjamin 27 E23 34 Shoreline Fencers Club 1182 1620 14.6 76%
Pool V 5:3 ZISLIN Benjamin 40 U 38 Zeta Fencing 1184 1635 14.0 77%
Pool D 3:5 BADUSHOV Anton 2 C24 11 Bergen Fencing Club / Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1921 1649 18.6 33%
T64 V 15:9 SIMMONS John M. 35 U 43 Fencing Academy Of Boston 1948 1569 199.2 29%
T32 D 5:15 HENDERSON Lucas 24 E24 8 2125 1768 70.7 30%

Fabbies and Senior Men and Women Saber

Mixed Saber (U), February 25, 2024
Place 3 of 8, Seed 5, Not ranked, Rating U, Fencing Academy of Boston
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:4 FOSS Persephone 4 U 3 Fencing Academy of Boston
Pool D 3:5 PODDAR Shameek 1 E23 5 Boston Fencing Club / Cambridge Fencing Center 1604 1675 40.0 55%
Pool V 5:1 DEMIRJIAN Meline 6 U 7 Fencing Academy of Boston
Pool V 5:2 GOLDIE Eva 2 U 6
Pool V 5:3 ZONG Yujie 8 U 1 Zeta Fencing 1619 1635 33.0 51%
Pool D 1:5 LIEUWMA Nicolas 3 U 2 Fencing Academy of Boston / Boston Fencing Club 1465 1668 41.9 63%
Pool V 5:2 DEMIRJIAN Charles 7 U 8 Fencing Academy of Boston 851 1626 8.9 87%
T8 V 15:3 GOLDIE Eva 2 U 6
T4 D 12:15 ZONG Yujie 8 U 1 Zeta Fencing 1237 1798 228.8 76%

Star Cup RYC/RCC

Cadet Men's Saber (C2, CDT), November 7, 2021
Place 44 of 50, Seed 47, Not ranked, Rating U, Fencing Academy Of Boston
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 KEIPER Benjamin 19 U 47 Zeta Fencing 1666 1787 29.3 56%
Pool D 3:5 FALCON-KORB Mathis 51 U 21 2183 1816 24.6 30%
Pool D 1:5 KOGAN Benjamin 3 50 C21 1 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2712 1791 7.7 7%
Pool D 3:5 SHINCHUK Daniel 35 U 22 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1971 1784 32.5 38%
Pool D 3:5 MUNGOVAN Matthew 14 E21 28 International Fencing Club 1660 1751 44.9 56%
Pool D 1:5 SHAHZAD Azlan A. 28 U 25 Zeta Fencing 1832 1706 31.4 42%
T64 D 12:15 SHIPITSIN Alexander 25 U 14 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2526 1870 72.1 18%

Boston Fencing Club ROC - Reg Opens 3/20

Div II Men's Saber (D1, DV2), April 11, 2021
Place 30 of 34, Seed 22, Not ranked, Rating U, Fencing Academy Of Boston
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 2:5 LENZ Max 33 U 24 International Fencing Club 1510 1856 74.0 68%
Pool D 0:5 CZAHA Balint 2 C19 7 Boston Fencing Club 2914 1782 5.9 4%
Pool V 5:4 DOLAN Charles R. 19 U 8 Zeta Fencing 2245 1776 92.3 23%
Pool D 4:5 BRIDGES Benjamin 29 U 26 Zeta Fencing 1926 1868 47.3 46%
Pool D 3:5 MICHNA Colin P. 11 E20 18 Boston Fencing Club 2409 1821 18.8 17%
Pool D 2:5 ELIN Adam E. 9 E20 3 International Fencing Club 2483 1802 15.0 14%
T32 D 7:15 ELIN Adam E. 9 E20 3 International Fencing Club 2354 2009 138.9 32%

Boston Fencing Club ROC - Reg Opens 3/20

Div I-A Men's Saber (C2, D1A), April 10, 2021
Place 28 of 31, Seed 23, Not ranked, Rating U, Fencing Academy Of Boston
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 2:5 MAKLIN Edward P. 12 D19 11 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2506 1863 30.0 16%
Pool V 5:4 DOLAN Charles R. 29 U 14 Zeta Fencing 2227 1833 119.0 27%
Pool D 2:5 WANG Ziyao 20 E19 27 Zeta Fencing 2143 1952 53.3 38%
Pool D 2:5 WEHLE Paul 2 C19 21 Boston Fencing Club / Tanner City Fencers Club 2307 1898 35.7 26%
Pool D 2:5 RAI Avin 9 C19 1 Boston Fencing Club 2961 1863 7.2 4%
T32 D 8:15 LO Alexander 19 E19 12 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2575 2166 157.1 30%

Boston Fencing Club RYC

Y-14 Men's Saber (U, Y14), December 15, 2019
Place 21 of 40, Seed 38, Not ranked, Rating U, Fencing Academy Of Boston
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 1:5 KIM Shaun M. 2 73 U 3 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club 2655 1602 30.0 7%
Pool D 3:5 HUANG Connor 36 U 17 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2131 1572 73.2 21%
Pool V 5:3 LAM Jeffrey Y. 11 U 39 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1647 1498 155.5 42%
Pool V 5:2 KASPER Aaron 14 U 16 Zeta Fencing 2193 1654 204.9 22%
Pool D 0:5 PERRON Robert 23 U 15 Zeta Fencing 1824 1859 106.9 52%
Pool V 5:1 YANG Michael 26 U 30 Zeta Fencing 1955 1752 110.7 38%
T32 D 5:15 SHTEIN Yan 37 U 7 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2327 2601 435.5 62%

Cobra Challenge SYC/RCC/Y8

Y-14 Men's Saber (B2, Y14), November 30, 2019
Place 123 of 151, Seed 84, Not ranked, Rating U, Fencing Academy Of Boston
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 2:5 MEDVEDEV Michail D. 139 U 81 Mission Fencing Center 2251 2500 648.3 60%
Pool D 3:5 LIU Mingyang Ryan 119 U 78 Premier Fencing Club 2079 1852 282.8 40%
Pool D 2:5 MYLEK Peter 47 131 U 26 Sheridan Fencing Academy 2580 1569 66.3 10%
Pool D 4:5 WANG Nicolas 40 115 U 32 Renaissance Fencing Club 2314 1503 81.6 15%
Pool V 5:2 KULKARNI Rohan 128 U 144 New Jersey Fencing Alliance 1382 1421 202.6 52%
Pool D 1:5 WOODWARD Connor 5 15 D19 1 Mid South Fencers Club 2838 1624 21.9 5%
T256 V 15:7 MACDERMOTT Rowan 102 U 133 2025 2500 324.8 65%
T128 D 2:15 FRISHMAN Ethan J. 1 4 B18 11 Manhattan Fencing Center 3494 2825 223.4 24%