Rating History

Weapon Rating Date
Saber E20 Oct 16, 2020

Podium Finishes

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
🥇 Gold - - - - 2 2
🥈 Silver - - - - - -
🥉 Bronze - - - - 3 3
5th-8th - - - - 1 1
Total - - - - 6 6


Date Tournament Event Place Rating Earned Event Class
Oct 24, '20 RJCC of the Rockies - Reg Opens 9/18 Junior Women's Saber 14 / 18 B1
Oct 23, '20 RJCC of the Rockies - Reg Opens 9/18 Cadet Women's Saber 11 / 18 B1
Sep 13, '20 Colorado Cup #1 Senior Women's Saber 3 / 12 E1
Sep 11, '20 Colorado Cup #1 Unrated Women's Saber 1 / 7 E20 E1
Mar 1, '20 Leap Year Open-Colorado Cup #3 Senior Mixed Saber 13 / 15 B1
Mar 1, '20 Leap Year Open-Colorado Cup #3 Senior Women's Saber 3 / 5 U
Feb 1, '20 Punxsutawney Phil Pizza Party C & Under - E,F,S Div II Mixed Saber 3 / 4 U
Jan 25, '20 FAD Sabre In-House Tournament #3 Senior Mixed Saber 1 / 9 U
Jan 18, '20 Senior D & Under Sabre Div III Mixed Saber 13 / 25 C2
Dec 20, '19 Billy Meckling Memorial Tournment-Sabre Senior Mixed Saber 23 / 28 A2
Nov 17, '18 Rocky Mountain RYC 2018 Y-14 Women's Saber 7 / 7 U